DHL Global Forwarding, the freight specialist arm of Deutsche Post DHL Group, managed the transport of the newly approved Covid-19 antiviral pills from the production site in Italy to its destination
Decarbonizing agreementDHL Global Forwarding and Hapag-Lloyd have a shared vision of decarbonizing container shipping and logistics. As a result, they signed an agreement earlier this year to use adva
To showcase its commitment to the ICC initiative, DHL volunteers on the day wore t-shirts made of recycled plastic. Producing each t-shirt requires 25 plastic bottles of 500ml.Key activities included
To mark this year’s International Coastal Clean-up (ICC) Day, teams from DHL Global Forwarding Middle East & Africa, India, and Pakistan partnered with shipping operator Hapag-Lloyd Middle E
Decarbonizing agreementDHL Global Forwarding and Hapag-Lloyd have a shared vision of decarbonizing container shipping and logistics. As a result, they signed an agreement earlier this year to use adva
To showcase its commitment to the ICC initiative, DHL volunteers on the day wore t-shirts made of recycled plastic. Producing each t-shirt requires 25 plastic bottles of 500ml.Key activities included
To mark this year’s International Coastal Clean-up (ICC) Day, teams from DHL Global Forwarding Middle East & Africa, India, and Pakistan partnered with shipping operator Hapag-Lloyd Middle E
DHL Global Forwarding, the freight specialist arm of Deutsche Post DHL Group, opens its newest facility in Brisbane to meet the surging demand for Australian perishable goods export, with an investmen
DHL Global Forwarding, the freight specialist arm of Deutsche Post DHL Group, invested over 2 million EUR to expand its dedicated Container Freight Station (CFS) space in Bangladesh to cater to the na
DHL Supply Chain, the contract logistics arm of Deutsche Post DHL Group, announces a change in its regional management as Terry Ryan, CEO DHL Supply Chain Asia Pacific, retires from the DHL Group afte
DHL Global Forwarding, the freight specialist arm of DHL Group, has announced three strategic leadership appointments in Asia Pacific with the upcoming retirement of Kelvin Leung and Charles Kauffman.
电子商务物流 - DHL Fulfillment Network 在 Euskirchen 设立新仓库,为更多客户创造运力在Euskirchen开设了额外的履行仓库,为中小企业和大型客户提供电子商务业务本地电子商务*设计定制解决方案,帮助客户在德国、欧洲和**扩展业务可..
DHL. 互联时代的物流。当 Adrian Dalsey、Larry Hillblom 和 Robert Lynn 于 1969 年创建 DHL 时,他们并不知道他们会引起物流行业的革命。今天,DHL 已是放眼世界的物流公司。我们在 220 多个国家和地区的 395600,000 名员工通过每天的..
18 辆新型生物燃料动力卡车交付欧洲站,并为 Formula 实现净零排放的 1 之旅做出贡献DHL 和 Formula 1® 今天宣布,使用生物燃料的新卡车车队平均减少了 83% 的碳排放1与柴油驱动的卡车相比。这些卡车在 2023 年国际汽联一级方程式世界锦..
Neste、ISCC 和 DHL 集团联手开创并测试了一个新系统,通过该系统,航空公司、物流服务提供商和较终客户可以可靠地报告通过使用可持续航空燃料 (SAF) 减少碳足迹而实现的减排。作为合作的一部分,两家公司试行了由ISCC开发的ISCC学分..
Neste、ISCC 和 DHL 集团联手开创并测试了一个新系统,通过该系统,航空公司、物流服务提供商和较终客户可以可靠地报告通过使用可持续航空燃料 (SAF) 减少碳足迹而实现的减排。作为合作的一部分,两家公司试行了由ISCC开发的ISCC学分..